Interim Management and leadership

Interim Management and leadership are two closely related concepts that are becoming increasingly important in the business world. Interim Management refers to the temporary assumption of leadership responsibilities in an organisation, while leadership describes the ability to motivate and guide people to achieve common goals. In this article, we will explore how Interim Management and leadership work together to develop and implement successful business strategies.

Interim Managers are usually experienced executives who can quickly integrate into a new organisation and fill important positions. However, a successful Interim Manager must not only have sound business competences but also have distinctive Leadership qualities.


An Interim Manager with strong leadership qualities can act as a Role model and motivate the team to achieve the common goals. A good Interim Manager must be able to quickly Trust with employees in order to create a positive working environment. The leadership qualities required of an Interim Manager are listed below:


Communication skills: An Interim Manager must be able to communicate effectively in order to keep the team on track and achieve the company's goals. They must be able to give clear instructions and listen to feedback.


Visionary skills: A successful Interim Manager must be able to create a vision that inspires the team. He must be able to see the big picture and identify the steps necessary to realise this picture.


Flexibility: An Interim Manager must be able to adapt quickly to circumstances and react to unforeseen situations. They must be able to quickly familiarise themselves with new working environments and learn new work processes.


Empathy: An Interim Manager must be able to recognise and respond to the needs and motivations of employees. They must be able to create a positive working environment that enables employees to realise their full potential.


Decision-making ability: An Interim Manager must be able to make quick and informed decisions to keep the company on track. He must be able to weigh up the risks and benefits of each decision and make a decision that is best for the company.


Coaching skills: A successful Interim Manager must be able to coach employees and improve their skills. They must be able to recognise the strengths and weaknesses of each employee and create individual development plans.


Overall, leadership qualities are of crucial importance for an Interim Manager in order to Successfully through a difficult phase to lead. An Interim Manager with strong leadership skills can Motivate and inspire your team, to achieve common goals and ensure long-term success. When selecting an Interim Manager, companies should therefore pay particular attention to ensuring that they have the necessary leadership qualities to fulfil the company's requirements.