Interim Management as a solution to the skills shortage?

The shortage of skilled labour is a pressing problem for many companies and is making itself felt in almost all sectors. There are many reasons for this shortage: an ageing population, a falling birth rate and a lack of qualified applicants. For companies, the shortage of skilled labour can become a significant burden that can affect productivity and innovation. One solution that more and more companies are using to counteract the shortage of skilled labour is Interim Management.


Interim Management refers to the temporary deployment of experienced managers to support companies with specific projects or tasks. Interim Managers usually have extensive experience in various industries and a wide range of skills. They can be quickly integrated into an organisation and help to bridge recruitment bottlenecks.


How can Interim Management solve the skills shortage?

Rapid availability of qualified managers: Interim Managers can be deployed within a very short space of time to bridge acute staff shortages. Companies do not have to wait months for applications or carry out costly recruitment processes. This enables companies to react quickly to changing market requirements or other challenges.


Broad spectrum of experience and skills: Interim Managers usually have experience in various industries and bring a wide range of skills to the table. They can therefore be deployed in many different functions and roles to bridge recruitment bottlenecks. Interim Managers can, for example, be deployed as managers in sales, finance, human resources or in the IT department.


Cost savings: Interim Management can be more cost-effective for companies than hiring permanent employees. Companies do not have to enter into long-term contracts and have no long-term financial obligations to Interim Managers. The cost of Interim Management can often be written off as an operating expense.


Flexibility: Interim Management offers companies the flexibility they need to react quickly to changing market requirements and other challenges. Companies can use Interim Managers for a specific period of time and then release them when they are no longer needed. This enables companies to deploy their human resources more effectively and optimise their costs.


Knowledge transfer: Interim Managers can bring valuable knowledge and experience from different industries and companies. They can act as mentors for internal employees and share best practices that the company can utilise in the long term.


The shortage of skilled labour is a serious challenge for companies. Interim Management offers companies a Cost-effective, flexible and fast solutionto cover the personnel requirements.