Interim Management associations in the DACH region
Interim Management associations play an important role in the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). They offer their members a wide range of benefits, including further training, networks and support in finding assignments. In this blog post, we present four important associations: the Dachverband Schweizer Interim Manager (DSIM), the Dachgesellschaft Deutsches Interim Management (DDIM), the Dachorganisation Österreichisches Interimmanagement (DÖIM) and the Verein Rheintaler Interim Manager (VRIM).
The Dachverband Schweizer Interim Manager (DSIM) is an association that represents Interim Managers in Switzerland. The association was founded in 2006 and is the largest Interim Management association in Switzerland. It represents the interests of around 60 Interim Managers and offers them a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge.
DSIM has set itself the goal of professionalising the Interim Management market in Switzerland and providing Interim Managers with a network and a platform. The association organises regular network meetings and training courses to give its members the opportunity to improve their knowledge and skills. The association attaches great importance to the quality of its members and compliance with Interim Management standards. To this end, the DSIM has also developed a certification programme for Interim Managers.
A special offer of the DSIM is the Interim Manager Pool, where companies can find the right Interim Manager for their project.
The umbrella organisation Deutsches Interim Management (DDIM) is the largest association for Interim Managers in Germany. The association was founded in 2003 and today has over 1,200 members. DDIM is committed to the professionalisation of Interim Management and offers its members an extensive network of contacts and further training. The association also attaches particular importance to compliance with ethical principles and the quality of its members. The DDIM is one of the most important organisations for Interim Managers in Germany and has earned an excellent reputation.
The umbrella organisation Österreichisches Interimmanagement (DÖIM) is the largest association for Interim Managers in Austria. The association was founded in 2014 and currently has around 100 members. DÖIM offers its members a network of contacts, further training and events. The association focuses on the quality and professionalism of its members and emphasises compliance with Interim Management standards.
A special DÖIM event is KIM - The Austrian Conference for Interim Management, where Interim Managers and providers can meet and exchange ideas.
The Verein Rheintaler Interim Manager (VRIM) is a regional association for Interim Managers in the Rhine Valley region. The association was founded in 2013 and currently has around 30 members. The VRIM is committed to the professionalisation of Interim Management and offers its members a network of contacts and further training. To this end, the association regularly organises events and seminars for its members and interested parties.
All of these Interim Management associations offer their members a broad network of contacts, further training and events. They attach great importance to the professionalisation of Interim Management and compliance with standards and ethical principles. In this way, companies looking for temporary managers can benefit from highly qualified Interim Managers who are supported by professional associations.
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