Head of IT

(Assignment 2/2013 - 8/2013)



  • Operational responsibility for the IT team (10 employees)
  • Strategic realignment of the entire IT as a separate organisational unit by recruiting a new management hierarchy and adapting structures



  • Strategic realignment/establishment of IT as a separate organisational unit reporting directly to the CEO in order to keep pace with the requirements of the rapidly growing company
  • Introduction of structures and recruitment of the necessary management levels
  • Operational responsibility for the entire IT infrastructure of the company (150 servers, 600 clients), connection of the international branches



  • 2 redundant HA clusters, VMWare ESXi, SAN, Active Directory 2008, Windows Server (2008 R2, 2012), MS-SQL (2005, 2008, 2012), Exchange 2010, ClearSwift, NetKey (SW distribution), WSUS, Kaspersky, Windows7, Office 2010, LAN, WAN, W-LAN, NetExtender (Sonicwall) MS Dynamics CRM, SAP-MES, Abacus.


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